At Early Break we’ve been helping young people with substance related issues since 1994. We know it can sometimes be difficult to seek help, however there is help out there and it’s easier to find than you think.
Below are links to several downloads that can help you to start feeling normal again. Sometimes the effects of alcohol and substance abuse can leave you feeling zombified, tired and temperamental. We have an understanding of how you might feel when you’ve taken substances and we can put you on the path to understanding what’s going on for you and to start feeling well/happy again.
Take the first steps to dezombify yourself by using our helpful resources below.

Early Break – Young People’s Drug & Alcohol Service website.

‘Talk To Frank’ – General drug information.

Alcohol Concern – National agency raising awareness for and campaigning against alcohol misuse.

The Filter Wales – Filter Distractor app for Android and iOS. – Effects of Smoking Microsite.

Drink Aware Unit Calculator – Online Alcohol Unit Calculator.

Drug Scope – Site for 11-15 year olds with games and activities for 11-15 year olds. – Site for young people to learn about dangers of binge drinking.  Includes games, scenarios and facts.

LoveSmart – relationship advice for young adults



