Mephedrone was one of the first “popular” legal highs.
Mephedrone is a very powerful stimulant drug sharing a lot of similarities to amphetamine.
At its peak of use it was the 4th most popular drug of choice amongst clubbers.
Mephedrone is generally sold as white powder.
It was banned for sale in the UK in 2010.
Persistent snorting of mephedrone can cause severe damage to the inside of your nose resulting in nose bleeds and pain in the area surrounding your nose.
The “come down” following the high can include loss of appetite, feeling tired and irritable, aching muscles and depression.
Long term use of mephedrone can result in psychotic episodes or mental breakdown.
As mephedrone is a strong stimulant drug it can cause heart palpitations, irregular heart beats and severe head aches.
Mephedrone use has been linked to decreased memory function and mental capacity.
Mephedrone can clot veins up over 100% quicker than any other drug and should not be injected if at all possible.
Mephedrone should not be mixed with other substances.
Mephedrone users should limit the amount they take.
You may experience feelings of anxiety and paranoia; it is important to ensure that you are in a safe and comfortable environment when you take the drug.
You should try a small amount and wait for the effects to kick in before taking more (this can take a while).
Bank notes should be avoided for snorting due to the risk of passing blood-borne viruses like Hepatitis B.
Mephedrone should be avoided if there is a history of heart problems.
Mephedrone should be avoided if there is a history of mental health problems.
The long-term effects of mephedrone are still fairly unknown as it is a new drug.
If uncomfortable effects are felt, medical help should be sought immediately.